Expandable Curtain Rod - Black

Expandable Curtain Rod - Black

Regular price $375.00
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The Expandable Curtain Rod comes in four sizes that range from 27" to 192". This makes it an easy choice for almost any application. For this rod system, you can use clip rings to hang your curtains or pins latched over the ring to create a more tailored look. Check out the video below for a video on how to hang curtains using pins (video shows a zip rod but all information is also relevant for the expandable rod).

Please note: Any rod intended to span a length over 8' may require additional brackets that will restrict the ability to close your curtains completely.

Our current lead time is 4-5 weeks. 

Rod: 3/4" Diameter
Rings: 1-3/4" inside, 2" outside
Bracket Projection: 4"

Expandable Rod
Two Finals
Clip Rings - 28 included. Additional rings can be purchased here.
Four Brackets are included for all rod sizes
Pins - If selected, 28 will be included. Additional pins may be purchased here.

See the video below to view our Curtain Rod Guide. This video will show you how to attach your curtains to your rod using pins.